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Monday, June 2, 2008

Tips for Students

Tips for Tests and Studying
by Vinakro

Everyone has to do tests and exams sometime in their lives, it's an unavoidable thing. The following tips for studying before the test, and tips for during the test will definitely help you improve your marks.

Study over time - People tend to not worry about tests and assignments until the night before, in which they go crazy and try to cram everything into their heads. This doesn't work. When you learn something important, study a bit and revise on it every day. It could be just a few minutes, but it really helps.
2. Sleep - Always get good a good rest a few days before the test. 8-10 hours is normally pretty good. Sleeping gives back energy, and gives you focus. Sleeping 2 hours before a test will really affect your marks.
3. Don't eat heavy before a test - Don't eat large amount of foods before a test, as that takes blood and energy. After eating a lot, people tend to feel lazy and tired, which isn't good during a test.
4. Make sure you have all your equipment - Spend time before a test to check you have all your equipment needed for a test (Papers,
pen etc). This may seem stupid, but when you come to a test without anything to write with, you will feel really bad. Trust me, this happens.
5. Try not to cheat - In a test, if you try to cheat (ie looking at someone else's answers), it really isn't good for you. If someone catches you, you may get marks deducted or even get failed automatically. Then if their answers are different, you start feeling uneasy; who's correct? You or them?
6. Read the test first - You should always spend some time at the beginning of the test to look over the questions, make notes etc. This will help, as if you blaze through, you may miss out something or make a vital mistake.
7. Don't do something blind - Don't answer questions as quick as you can; think over it first. If it's multiple choice, read the question carefully and consider the answers. Eliminate any obvious answers you know are wrong. Then consider the remaining ones, and guess only if you have to. If it's an
essay, think of what you are going to write first, write a quick plan/draft if you can. Then get to the point; don't write anything unnecessary. The length of an essay doesn't mean anything.
8. Proof-read - After you have done everything, make sure you check your test. You never know when you missed a question, or made a spelling or grammar error. Simple mistakes may cost you a lot of marks.
9. Be confident - This is VERY important. You have to be confident in yourself, and not be
anxious. If you are nervous, you may make mistakes, or waste time. Believe in yourself, find a good place to do the test, and be confident that you can do it. If you keep thinking that you'll fail, you tend to do worse.
10. Tips for studying - Studying is very important, and how people study varies. A few tips for studying:
Make a study plan -Plan out when/what you will study, and for how long.
Resources - Guides, practice books, information on your test topic etc will always benefit you.
Work with others - Although this isn't something you should do 100% of the time when studying, it helps. Study with friends; test each other, give opinions etc. Study with
tutors; they correct your mistakes, and help you focus.
Study during differing times - Study during all kind of times; in the morning, during the day and night. Studying at the same time everyday will cause repetition and you will begin losing focus during that point of time, so keep it fresh.

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