This kitchen garden is a place to grow the things I bring into the kitchen. This enables me to use fresh herbs in my cooking. It is just right outside the kitchen door within easy picking distance. I often run to this garden to get the herbs while cooking.

My hubby always use this to remove odour from the car. Just leave a few pandan leaves inside the car for a night, and the next day, the odour will disappear.

As my hubby uses quite a lot of this in his food, we bought the seedling from the market so that we can have fresh chillies whenever we want.

This is a Thai Longan Tree. I don't use this in my cooking. This fruit is very sweet.

This a curry tree (should I call it a tree?) I use the leaves to add flavour to any curry dishes. I got this tree from my sister last year.

This is lemongrass. I often use this in my cooking, especially when I cook fish, beef, chicken and Prawn. I think this is a must when cooking Thai Tomyam.

This is a tumeric plant. I planted this to get the leaves. The leaves are often used in my cooking to give aroma to the food. I often use this to wrap fish. The rhizome is used in cooking fish, beef or chicken dishes. Traditionally, it can also be used as antiseptic and often used in postnatal care.
if you like cooking thai food Heres a good site for Thai cooking
It's got about 30 recipes each one with a cooking video to go along. Free too
Thanks for the info...
I think it's better if you move the description under each photo because the current positions don't match. Asians like us know which is which but to Westerners for example, they'll get confused.
The descriptions will not match with the photos if you are using Mac. When I use windows, they look fine but not when i use apple mac. Anyway thanks for the suggestion.
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